“Pipsie, Nature Detective: The Disappearing Caterpillar (written by Rick DeDonato and illustrated by Tracy Bishop)
gets my vote for being the cutest children’s book of the year!”
Pipsie, Nature Detective: The Disappearing Caterpillar (written by Rick DeDonato and illustrated by Tracy Bishop) gets my vote for being the cutest children’s book of the year! I think my kiddos would also agree after reading it several times over the past week! Not only are the illustrations adorable and storyline intriguing but my children actually learned a lot! It was full of fun and interesting facts as well as hilarious comments and a spontaneous little girl.
When we sat down to read it for the first time, our Boxer, Jinkie, kept following us. We finally let her jump up on the bed and read with us. She knew we were having fun and wanted to be a part of it! My daughters were laughing at the funny comments, and kept telling me that Pipsie’s outfit was “super cute.” I would have to agree! My 7 and 9 year old were both able to read this book on their own and it was just the right length. They even brought it to school to show their classmates and teachers. Pipsie, Nature Detective quickly became a favorite in our home and I am keep my fingers crossed for a sequel!